Nightmare Apocalypse

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Nightmare Apocalypse

By: Icemaster360 OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 134 views: 8.1K

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Sealed for a thousand years by a God, the Gamemaster, a nefarious being who gains pleasure in the suffering of others has been unsealed by humans and to thank them, he has infested their planet with zombies, vampires, werewolves and others creatures of darkness that are straight out of a child's nightmare but one human is adamant to surrender because his destiny is as great as the stars in the sky, he is the beast tamer shapeshifter

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  • TriggerBoss360


    Good book. I love it, keep up the good work....️......

    2023-07-20 17:32:37
  • Game Master


    go back to the ability steal system

    2023-09-02 08:23:40
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134 chapters
Deep within a archaeological ruins in egypt, 2 men and a woman could be seen walking through a cave with runes and carvings on the surface."That was the last I hope" The woman said with tiredness as she took pictures of the runes and carvings on the wall. "So how old do you think this place is, it looks so new and well kept" The first man asked with marvel. "I can't give an accurate date because of how the place looks, it could be a hundred, thousand or even a million years for all I know" The woman said excitedly as she repeatedly took pictures of the runes."I have never seen these carvings before" The other man said as he traced the carvings with his hands. "Hey be careful not to trigger a trap, these carvings are one of the oldest languages in the world and they tell a story of a terrifying being that once roamed the world, it says that the being was so powerful that it destroyed planets with a wave of its hand, it made this a game, it would find a planet and then release some
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Opening The Coffin
Several hours later, the planes landed in a large base surrounded by sand, the base was basically in the middle of nowhere."Take her to see the doctor and take the coffin to the lab" The captain issued some commands as they entered the heavily guarded base.After issuing some more commands, the captain went through a series of locked doors which required a high clearance to enter and found himself in a large room which was filled with luxurious furnitures and specially prepared food made from rare ingredients, in the middle of this huge room sat a middle aged man at a table who was fiddling with some objects."How was the trip?" The middle aged man asked the leader who gave a salute to him before replying."We recovered a coffin but there was only one survivor who seems disoriented , she seems to have experienced something vicious enough that scared her to that extent " The leader answered . " A coffin you say , I would very much like to see this coffin and as for the families of th
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Self Destruct
"Nancy!" The captain shouted as he ran to her location but when he arrived, he saw the creature clutching her by the neck as it raised her to the skies."I can feel your fear, it feeds me" The creature said with a grin as it grinned at the head scientist which revealed it's sharp teeth which gleamed in the light."Drop her, now or I will open fire" The captain said as he aimed his gun at the creature's head."Hahaha, love is a very cruel feeling, it tricks into feeling that you have found something to live for and then at a crucial time crush that dream" The creature said with a chuckle as he brought her close to his face and licked her face with it's slithering tongue."I said release her" The captain said with anger as he pointed his gun at the creature threateningly."Do you think your earthly weapons have an effect on me mortal, don't make me laugh, killing you is as easy as raising my arm, if you think I'm lying ask them" The creature said as it pointed behind the captain."What
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The Apocalypse Begins
My name is Dominic Miles, I'm the mc and this is my story. As I walked into the hospital, all eyes turned on me and among them, I could see worried, sad and scared looks. I walked towards the attendant and asked to see my brother and after gaining his room number, I went to his room but on the way, I saw a tall muscular man slip a gun under his clothes but I didn't take any action due to the military uniform on him. I opened the door to meet a sad sight, my brother lay on the hospital bed with several needles stuck in him like a freaking doll, his skin was pale and his body was also cold. "Hello brother, it's me Dominic, mom says hi, she couldn't bear to see you in this state, she says get well soon so that we can all be one happy family again, remember our deal about the race, we aren't done yet, I will be waiting for you but I don't know how long I can, the world is on the verge of destruction" I whispered to my brother as tears slowly formed at the corner of my eyes but I quickl
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First Kill
"Rooaaarrr" The figure behind me roared as the pocket knife planted itself in the middle of it's skull, killing it instantly."What the?, what just happened, how did I do that" I said to myself as I recalled how I was able to accurately hit the figure's head.BANG "Arrg, get away from me" I suddenly heard a gunshot followed by the scream I had heard previously."A survivor, I have to find him" I said hurriedly as I stormed out of the room, as I did, I failed to spot the sparks of green light that flowed out of the corpse into my shoulder."Where did the sound come f..." Before I could finish the sentence, I heard another scream coming from my right so I followed the sound until I arrived at a large door in the hallway, the sound was coming from behind the door."Ok here goes nothing" I said as I opened the door slightly and peered in, this hallway had only one light which was also dim so I switched off my phone's torchlight and walked in while pulling out my gun.As I moved, I could
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The Eyeless Reaper
RoarrrThe spider roared in anger and pain as it struggled to fend off the flames which scorched its skin and continued to inflict burn on its body until it shot out a spray of it's gooish liquid onto the ground which created a large hole which it escaped from."Whew that was so close" I said with ragged breathes as l remembered how close I was to getting killed again while barely escaping with my life."Hey you okay?" Rash said as he walked up to me while staring at the hole in the ground."Yeah thanks for saving my life" I said with gratitude as he helped me up."It's nothing, we're even now, but why do you look like that?" Rash asked as he stared at my frown."I don't know if it's just the adrenaline but the human part of the spider looked familiar, it's probably nothing though" I said with a shrug as I brushed it off."Okay so now what? " Rash asked which made me think, I hadn't really thought of the it but now i needed to, it seemed that the top priority was to get out of this ho
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Meeting Survivors
Somewhere in the hospital, two figures could be seen sneaking down a dark staircase, they walked slowly and soon reached the end which was a door, the one in the lead peeped through the door then placed his hand on the doorknob but just as he was about to open it, he suddenly paused then turned around."Could you please stop breathing so deeply behind my neck, it's annoying" I said with annoyance."What are you talking about, I ain't doing nothing" Rash replied with a frown."Yes you are, I can't even concentrate with your hot breath against my neck" I said."Okay okay, I'm sorry" Rash said with a raise of his hand."Good, now lets go" I grinned as I twisted the doorknob and opened the door slowly as I stepped into two doorways with plenty doors, one on the left and one on the right, and luckily this floor had light but the far end had its light off."Okay so now where do we go?" I asked as I took out the map and stepped under the light to see clearly."So we're here so we R
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Enemy In The Shadows
RawrA lone zombie staggered through an empty hallway aimlessly, one arm was missing and it's legs had chunks missing, as it was walking, it suddenly heard a noise behind it so it turned around in agitation and roared, but nothing was in sight, it stared around for some time then turned around and left, after some time when the zombie was out of sight, a vent in the wall suddenly opened as a figure dropped down then helped two other figures down before the last figure got down himself."You almost got us into trouble again" I scolded Rash who glared at me."Hey it was a mistake okay, keep your voice down" Rash said as we sneaked through the hallway."In here" I whispered as I opened up a door that read storage, I got in first before scouting the interior for any enemy, the room was fairly large and it had several boxes containing medications and other items."Help me move this" I said to Rash as we carried a shelf to block off the door."Damn my arm" Rash said with fatigue as he dropp
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Rash's Dark Past
"Come on, Tasha, yankey gulf lima, Christina, Yankey gulf romeo" Rash whispered as we quietly walked out of the room."Could you speak English please" Tasha said sarcastically."He means you go left and Christina you go right" I explained as I patted Rash's shoulder, we then walked over to the vending machine."So what do we do now?" I asked as I saw Rash crouching next to it."I've got this, just watch and learn" Rash smirked as I watched him get to work on hacking the vending machine expertely."Wow that's cool" I said with admiration as I watched snacks flood out of the vending machine."It's no biggy" Rash replied proudly."But you seem strangely good at this" I said suspiciously."I've had practice" Rash said with a shrug."Okayyyy that's totally normal" I muttered as we steffed he snacks into our backpacks."Shut it you racist bitch" Rash said with a smirk as I chuckled."Okay we're done, let's go" I said as I grabbed my axe and motioned for Tasha to come over."So now we know t
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Encountering The Eyeless Reaper Again
"Hey bitch get away from me" Rash muttered to the man who was standing next to him slowly rubbing his arm against his, they were in a prison cell."Hey watch your mouth kid" The man said gruffly as he glared at Rash."Or what?, huh, what are you going to do if I don't" Rash said with a frown, he was already pissed off that he was in jail because of a douche and he didn't need another asshole adding to his problems."Oh you think you're strong big guy" The man said as he motioned for some guys to come over."What do you think now asshole, apologize and maybe I'll consider letting you go" The man said with a grin as two other guys walked over."Wanna know what I think, Spit" Rash said as he spat at the man's feet."Little…" Before he could finish talking, the man suddenly felt a strong punch connect with his nose as he was thrown to the ground, blood flowing out of his nose."You're dead kid" The guy who was called over rushed towards Rash with the other guy as he threw a punch."Bring
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