The Black Card System

32 ratings

The Black Card System

By: Danny_writes CompletedSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 267 views: 70.4K

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"I'm going to make all of them pay. I will take revenge on everyone who abandoned me and my mother. I will deal with everyone who threw my mother out on the streets and made our life miserable. All of them." Ding! [You have activated the black card system.] Charles is the illegitimate son of an ultra rich family but he was kicked out with his mother at a young age. Now working as a delivery driver, his wife and her family despise and humiliate him for being poor. When his wife cheats on him, Charles swears to take revenge on everyone who betrayed him. And just then, he activated the black card system. With the help of the system, he will recognize his full potential and take his revenge on those who wronged him.

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  • Marc Clemente Lagmay


    Why did the story stopped? please continue

    2024-07-12 23:04:45
  • Hassan Hayder


    Angela is a smart girl. Charles is an idiot and brainless man.

    2024-06-21 20:36:58
  • Alex Gwenhure


    chapters 125 - 128 there's some shambling that happened there

    2024-06-12 07:39:56
  • Alex Gwenhure


    some chapters are repeated, seems like cutting n pasting all over. otherwise the storyline is ......

    2024-06-12 07:38:09
  • Anita Adanna



    2024-05-06 16:44:18
  • Emmanuel Ovute


    Starting is excellent. Hope it remains the same

    2024-05-06 16:43:08
  • Hermix


    Great book. Typical character but amazing plot

    2024-05-06 16:40:02
  • Eucharia Chioma


    Charles is transitioning. Hope the author doesn’t ruin his character

    2024-05-06 16:38:26
  • Lifestyle


    9/10. The plot is beautifully written and I’m looking forward to more from the author

    2024-05-06 16:37:18
  • Lifestyle


    A great book. Only if I haven’t read so much books like this

    2024-05-06 16:36:45
  • Chi Dalu


    Is this the end?

    2024-05-06 16:35:29
  • Chi Dalu


    I wish the author updated regularly

    2024-05-06 16:35:18
  • Chi Dalu


    Awesome book…couldn’t put it down

    2024-05-06 16:34:02
  • Chi Dalu


    Yes! Go charles!!

    2024-05-06 16:33:45


    What an amazing story that fixes the reader right on the spot! You are a beautiful writer. Kudos!

    2023-12-26 01:56:23
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Latest Chapter
267 chapters
Chapter One
On a busy Friday night in Los Angeles, Charles eagerly rode his scooter to the Silver Hotel for a delivery. He was excited on this particular night because deliveries to hotels attracted extra tips.As a full-time door-dash delivery man, his job was to drop off food and orders for people and various businesses. It was his only means of income and he worked tirelessly to earn enough money to take care of his wife. But she never seemed to appreciate what he did and looked down on him all the time."You can't get anything right. You're just useless." Her words to him that morning replayed in his head countless times as he rode quickly to the hotel.The truth was that his wife, Angela, and her family despised him because he was poor. But he remained hardworking, hoping that he would someday prove them wrong and earn their respect.He arrived at the parking lot of the hotel and parked his scooter."I'm here to deliver an order to one of your residents." Charles informed the receptionist at
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Chapter Two
Charles glanced around the room as he woke up and realized he was in the hospital. His head was spinning with questions as he sat up. What happened to him? How did he end up in the hospital and who brought him here?He tried to recall everything that happened in the hotel and the last thing he remembered was trying to leave the parking lot and hearing a strange voice in his head.As he was about to get up from his bed, the same voice replayed in his head again and he fell back to his bed.[LINKING THE BLACK CARD SYSTEM][10%...[50%...[80%...[100%...[YOU HAVE ACTIVATED THE BLACK SYSTEM]Charles glanced around the room in confusion, unable to understand what was going on in his head. Suddenly, a screen that was only visible to him appeared before his eyes.[System Host: Charles Lincoln][Balance: $23][Body: Weak due to exhaustion and trauma][Mind: 29(Normal)][Skills: Skills will be gained once missions are completed. Needs to earn black card points.][Black card points: 0]"What
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Chapter Three
"Excuse me, how may I help you?" One of the hotel staff at the receptionist desk asked Charles as he walked up to her. She examined him for some seconds, her face scrunching up in disgust because of his clothes."I’m Charles Lincoln and I'll like to–""Please, we don't accept door dash deliveries at Golden state hotel. Our residents are high class business men and women. They are served our very best exquisite meals and don't need to order food. Please, you may leave now before any of our residents spots you with your dirty appearance." The staff said, signaling to Charles to leave."You heard her, leave now. They have important guests like me to attend to." Mark added with a smug smile on his face. "And try to have your bath when you go home. You stink."Charles ignored him and turned to the staff. "I'm not here to order food. I'd like to pay for one of your services.""You?" The woman didn't bother to hide her incredulity. "Pay for one of your services?" She laughed for a few second
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Chapter Four
Vera led Charles into the most private and exclusive part of the hotel.She had been the hotel relationship manager for almost four years so she had seen and worked with a lot of rich men. After all, the hotel was the most expensive in the city and only very rich men could afford their services.However, this was the first time someone like Charles was able to pay for the hotel membership and not just any one but the highest. Within her, she believed that Charles was the son of a billionaire or a billionaire himself. If not, he would not be able to pay for the highest hotel membership.She thought so because there were tons of rich men in the city who were still humble and invisible. Most of the men who paid for the high hotel membership were humble and low key men. She studied Charles for some minutes and concluded he had to be one of them.When she saw him at the lobby after she received a call from the receptionist, she had initially looked down on him because of his dirty delivery
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Chapter Five
As Charles was still trying to figure out which skill to choose, Mark accompanied by the head chef of the hotel barged into his private room without even knocking. Charles and Vera stared at them in shock as they stood glaring at them.The man was a friend of Mark who worked as the head chef of the hotel. He was previously a Michelin chef before he began to work at Golden State Hotel. He was employed by the CEO of the hotel after begging several times.The chef was a very rude man who looked down on people all the time. Because of his position in the hotel, he felt he was better than other workers.After Mark was kicked out of the hotel, he called his friend and told him everything that happened. The head chef was furious and decided to confront the man who dared to humiliate his friend.“What is going on here?” Vera asked them, utterly confused about their attitude.Mark noticed Vera properly at that moment and found her extremely beautiful. Her skin radiated from head to toe and her
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Chapter Six
Charles, Mark, Vera and the head chef headed to the kitchen to begin preparations for the cooking competition.Vera assembled all the managers who were interested in watching and told them about the rules of the competition. Even the cooking and kitchen manager was present and he was interested in knowing the winner.They invited two connoisseurs in the city who would be the judges of the contest and they arrived swiftly. They were the best cooking judges in the city and they were trusted to be impartial.Many of the hotel staff gathered to watch the competition because this was the first time anyone was challenging the great chef to a cooking competition.Some of the kitchen staff mocked Charles when they saw him. They didn’t think a man like him would ever beat the head chef.“What does he think he’s doing?” One of the kitchen staff asked. “Does he think he can beat the head chef? That’s absurd.”Others mocked him for his clothes and shabby appearance. They didn’t even know that he
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Chapter Seven
The head chef grabbed Charles’s leg and began to beg. “Please, don’t let them fire me. I have nowhere to go, please.”Charles kicked his hands away from his legs and the head chef fell to the ground in tears. “You humiliated me in my private room and in public. You claimed to be the best chef and yet, I beat you so easily. I hope this is a lesson to you. Never look down on people because of their appearance or status.”Everyone watched as the head chef groveled before Charles, begging. Mark was speechless and hid at the corner of the kitchen. He knew that his hope of getting back at Charles had been dashed. And he would be kicked out of the hotel with his friend.“Please, I’ve learnt my lesson.” The head chef continued to beg. “This is my only source of income. If you let them fire me, I’ll be homeless and poor. My wife and children will leave me. Please, I beg you, Mr. Charles.”But Charles remembered all the insults and the way they mocked him in front of Vera and the hotel staffs.
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Chapter Eight
Charles left the hotel shortly after speaking with Vera. He was so happy that the system gave him great cooking skills to beat the chef. Then, Vera had given him her number after the competition. Everything was going well for him since he activated the system.He booked a cab to Adam's family mansion where he was hoping to meet and settle everything with his wife, Angela.Ding!The system’s screen appeared before his eyes as usual and Charles smiled widely.[New task: Spend 10 million dollars within 24 hours. Two black card points will be awarded once you complete this mission. You can choose to upgrade your previous skill or purchase new skills.]Charles couldn’t hide his excitement as the screen disappeared. 10 million dollars? What would he spend 10 million dollars on?Just then, he received a notification from the bank that 10 million dollars had been transferred to his account. As he was thinking of what to spend his money on, the cab pulled over to the Adam’s family mansion.Cha
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Chapter Nine
Charles left the Adam’s family mansion with his bag and broken family heirloom. He was finally free from their torment and constant humiliation. Now divorced, he didn’t have to struggle to please Angela or her family.“I should buy a house with my 10 million dollars,” he thought. He checked online for the best real estate organization in the city and he discovered it was Diamond Homes And Residence.They had the most expensive houses in the city with the cheapest houses starting from three hundred thousand dollars. He booked a cab to their main residence in order to purchase a house. He was certain that the houses would be built to his taste.The cab pulled over at the parking lot which was occupied by luxurious cars. None of the cars cost less than 1 million dollars and it was truly the residence of many rich men in the city.Charles took note of the buildings and the impressive view of the residential area. Indeed, Diamond homes was a fantastic real estate organization. He walked
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Chapter Ten
Julia showed Charles all the houses up for sale including the most expensive house. Immediately Charles saw the house, he loved it. It was a very magnificent Condo and it had a spectacular view of the city’s river.After an hour of checking out the houses and learning about their prices from Julia, they returned to the lobby for discussion. Julia brought Charles a chair to sit on while she waited for his decision.“Mr. Charles, are you impressed with the houses? Is there anyone you would like to purchase?”“Yes,” Charles answered. “I'd like to buy the Condo.”“Do you mean a unit in the condo?” Julia asked, in shock.“No, I mean the entire Condo. Isn’t it up for sale anymore?”Of course, Julia knew the Condo was still up for sale. But no one had ever tried to purchase it because of the price.“Sir, the Condo is definitely up for sale. But like I said, it cost 10 million dollars. A single unit in the condo is up for 500 hundred thousand dollars, don’t you think you should consider that
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