The Greatest Martial Arts Cultivator

23 ratings

The Greatest Martial Arts Cultivator

By: KidOO CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 428 views: 73.4K

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Survivors of the mysterious organization's ambitions. Yuan Liong made his own way in the Kangow World. Fight from the lowest point to become the strongest with determination. “Refund all debts of revenge and humiliation.” The Kangow World was full of cultivators who were greedy and wanted power. Fight, scramble, escape, cunning opponent and various other obstacles. Meeting new people, searching for enemies and revenge. “I will stand at the Peak of the Martial World!”

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  • Daniel Victor


    This is a very nice book

    2024-04-25 06:23:51
  • Cici Aremanita


    Cool Bro, let's also visit the Reincarnation of the Warrior, Thanks.

    2024-02-21 22:50:11
  • Aldho Alfina



    2024-02-12 22:42:50
  • JamesMG Chanel


    Happy good reading

    2024-02-04 13:09:51
  • Tini Larope


    Great story

    2024-02-04 12:55:18
  • Zhu Phi


    Amazing story. Five star for Author.

    2024-02-02 23:40:55
  • Zoya Dmitrovka


    Dope story! I'm totally love this book.

    2024-02-02 21:08:51
  • Weng



    2024-01-09 09:11:54
  • Saadia Gure


    Just finished reading this book. I must say it is the most interesting book I ever came across on this app. I hope the author will write another book

    2023-12-07 08:36:23
  • Rose Asare


    Great book

    2023-11-27 01:31:18
  • Jimmy Chuu


    What a masterpiece. Sukses selalu bang. Read also "The Sage Story of Longwu" by jimmy chuu

    2023-08-26 10:05:30
  • david danladi


    I like this book,i read it day by day

    2023-08-09 08:05:07
  • Shin Novel


    mantap bang, up terus tiap hari, meskipun gw gk baca...

    2023-07-26 22:52:06
  • Shin Novel


    the Author ia dead

    2023-07-20 10:51:03
  • nikfield


    It’s a good read ends well I think hope the author writes more books

    2024-06-13 12:55:51
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Latest Chapter
428 chapters
Chapter. 1. I'm Still Alive
Wuss!! ….The roaring pure air fluctuations were extremely intense. It made the trees and earth shake violently. The explosion from the exchange of blows for who knows how many times, no one could count. These were of course the final seconds of the battle that took place in the deserted mountains.Yuan Liong could only run crazily. He understands the current situation. Even though Yuan Liong was only twelve years old, that did not make this innocent and gentle little boy ignorant of the condition that could take his life at any time.Ignoring the fear in his heart, as well as the tiredness that hit him, even though his footsteps were heavy, the boy didn't care about his condition. However, ….Boom!!This was a very loud explosion, louder than the previous pure air explosion.Yuan Liong, who was running, felt a sudden pain in his heart. He couldn't think of anything else except wondering in his heart. “What is this feeling? Why is it so sad? Did Father and Mother die at the hands of th
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Chapter. 2. Mysterious Cave
Yuan Liong entered the cave and continued exploring. However, this was truly very different from what Yuan Liong had expected. This wasn't a cave, just a dark passage that could be explored by one person alone.After all, this passage didn't allow him to climb back up the mountain, rather, it was more like he continued to descend towards the bottom.Yuan Liong didn't care, he continued to walk slowly while holding on to the damp stone wall of the passage. Even though the pain struck again, this was the only choice the boy had to find a way in life.“Damn, this is tiring.” Yuan Liong couldn't help but grumble a little. How come? He hasn't even filled his stomach since yesterday. Hunger will certainly attack him along with fatigue and pain.Time continued to roll by, Yuan Liong couldn't count it at all until the end of the dark tunnel appeared before the boy's eyes. There was a little dim light there.“Finally, the end of this passage is in sight. The sky still has eyes.” Yuan Liong had
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Chapter. 3. Soul Fragments
Yuan Liong entered the last room and found a sight that could make the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Instantly his footsteps were rooted to the spot.At that moment, right in front of Yuan Liong's eyes sat a cross-legged corpse that was still intact, not rotting even though it had gone through thousands of years of time shifts.Even if it seemed scary to a twelve-year-old boy. However, Yuan Liong calmed his turbulent heart. He took a few steps forward then bowed respectfully to the corpse. This is a form of politeness that his parents have instilled in him.Even though this boy lives in a quiet wilderness, this does not mean that Yuan Liong's parents have forgotten about the moderate ethics of life.“Wise old man! … Sorry Junior. This is not something that Junior accidentally broke into your resting place. If an apology is not enough, how about this Junior will give your body a proper burial?” Yuan Liong menstruated. Yes, he was still just a kid, just from the way he spoke it
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Chapter. 4. Divine Doctor
Yuan Liong continued to meditate and regulate his breathing regularly. At that moment, he felt that his whole body was different from a day ago. There was a strangely warm current continuously breaking through from below the navel.It was very strong and gave him abundant strength. Yuan Liong didn't understand where this huge energy current appeared.In reality, it was a side effect of the lightning peach he devoured some time ago.Previously, peaches did not provide the best benefits. Now it has appeared with great power indirectly through the purification in the breathing exercises, as well as the heat effect that the cauldron brings.The old shadow figure must have seen clearly what happened. That included a large stream of pure air flowing within Yuan Liong's body.This time, the shadow of the old man couldn't help but praise, “Not bad, you even dare to swallow a lightning peach.”However, he still carried out his original intention. The splinter of spirituality swung his arm. Insi
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Chapter. 5. Train Hard
“Damn, this old man intends to kill me. His attitude is the worst.” Yuan Liong could only grumble as Doctor Kang Kian's last words rang in his ears.Byuuurr!! ….Yuan Liong's body beautifully landed within the lightning pool. However, it is not as smooth as one might think. Of course, the fierce lightning fiercely targeted Yuan Liong.It's disgusting!! ….In just an instant the boy received another torture. It was truly a painful experience when a kid who had never really practiced martial arts or internal strength had to be put in such a disadvantageous situation.Yuan Liong had to grit his teeth and strengthen his resolve, even though his body was scorched by the lightning strike. But, he also felt surprised. Shouldn't he die charred and bloodless if hit by a lightning strike like this? Then, why is he still fine? There was only pain crazily continuing to invade his body.Yuan Liong immediately noticed this strangeness. He used his previous experience again and tried to circulate his
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Chapter. 6. The Beginning of the Problem
Yes, even though the contents of the jade slip of the Book of the Lightning Hand Medicine God seemed to Yuan Liong to be very useless. Yuan Liong did not want to be lulled into despair.What's wrong with trying to learn first? Only then give an assessment, after getting the benefits from it.“Yes, it has to be like that.” Yuan Liong said to himself.Yuan Liong did not immediately roll up the bundle of jade slips. He paid more attention to the volume that taught about the Body Forging Technique. Moreover, there are no specific guidelines for studying which volume first.Most of the training he underwent for two weeks and two days has been recorded in that volume. However, if Yuan Liong wanted to get better at body tempering, he had to swallow the Silver Lightning Pill.The pill had been provided in very large quantities by Divine Doctor Kang Kian in his universe ring.Yuan Liong did not rush to take the pills. To perfectly improve body tempering he still had a lot of lightning peaches o
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Chapter. 7. Three Devils From the South
Yuan Han was calm, this was undoubtedly the attitude of an expert who had been rampant in the past. “Three fellow cultivators, after so many years, what matter brought the three brothers’ footsteps into our residence?”Neither Yuan Han nor Xie Sian Li knew the three, thirteen years ago they often clashed. It is undeniable that the white silat group and the black silat group always clash from time to time. This couple was surprised because after thirteen years had passed, it turned out that someone was looking for them in this quiet valley.While laughing scornfully, the Cross-Eyed Demon said, “Male Swallow! Don't act stupid! We know that you are continuing to train after thirteen years of withdrawal from the martial world. You are not retiring, moreover what you are currently practicing is the Five Yang (Five Hot Powers) Scripture.”The Steel Head Demon then completed his companion's words. “Just hand over the book. There is nothing else, we will leave after getting the book.”A slight
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Chapter. 8. Run, and Farewell
Yuan Liong felt that his parents were very stressed in that fight. He went downstairs and went to his father's room, took the sword hanging on the wall.“Father, this is your sword. Your opponents are too strong.” Yuan Liong threw the sword at his father.Yuan Han felt helped and was very grateful for Yuan Liong's responsive actions.He quickly dashed over and caught the sword thrown by Yuan Liong, saying, “Child, step back. You cannot be dragged into this fight!”Yuan Liong nodded and retreated further.At that time the fight was getting fiercer, be it between Yuan Han and the Iron Head Devil and the Black Hand Devil or the fight between Xie Sian Li and the Squint Eye Devil.Although, Yuan Han had already used a sword to compete with his two opponents. It's still a burden.In the fighting arena, the sword air roared. It screamed like the sound of a Dragon playing within the clouds. The silver gleam of the sword swung to cover the eyes of the viewer.However, two hands are still fewer
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Chapter. 9. Miss Murong
Yuan Han and Xie Sian Li became very relieved after seeing Yuan Liong running away from the scene of the fight.“Alright, now is the time to rampage crazily. My wife, are you ready to die without regrets?” Yuan Han looked at Xie Sian Li gently, there was a fire full of determination in his eyes.Xie Sian Li nodded slowly, and replied, “It is an honor for this woman to live and die with you, my husband.”The husband and wife couple who were ready to die immediately used their internal energy like crazy. There were no more worries in either of their hearts.The fierce fighting continued again. The blow this time was fierce. It even destroyed houses and uprooted trees around them.At that moment, Yuan Han showed a mysterious smile as he said, “We will take you to Hell too.”The Three Devils from the South had not yet realized what the two husband and wife were going to do.However, by the time Yuan Han and Xie Sian Li's increasingly reddened faces were visible, it might have been a little
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Chapter. 10. To Intervene
The person with the face like a big monkey didn't wait for Murong Qiu to respond. He swung his arm, trying to slap Murong Qiu gently. It was a mockery, not wanting to destroy the beauty that could bring down the country.However, Murong Qiu didn't give Monkey Face a chance, she didn't hesitate to retaliate using great internal strength.Wuss!! ….The powerful blow roared. The monkey-faced person was aware of Murong Qiu's cruel revenge, however, it was truly a fateful day for him. Underestimating the little girl had brought misfortune to the man with the face like a big monkey.Hong!! ….Murong Qiu's punch heavily hit his huge body. The person with the big monkey face was thrown far away until he landed on a chair and table.Bruuuuk!! ….A crash was heard, it had broken the chair and the table. The big monkey-faced person also got a deep wound from the blow that he didn't manage to avoid. Unable to fight anymore, after spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.The blow that Murong Qiu un
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