Earth's Greatest Soldier Transports to Fantasy World

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Earth's Greatest Soldier Transports to Fantasy World

By: ChadGuy45 OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 18 views: 391

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Betrayed by his trusted General and a Vice President revealed as a traitor, Project Agent Gabriel Jones of the US Army found himself marooned in a world of fantasy. As he clutched his voice message terminal, the President's final words crackled through: "Gabriel, it's over! They've taken the White House. If you're still out there, for God's sake, get back here! We need you!" Can he fight his way through this alien nightmare and return to a shattered America, or will he perish in the grip of this new world?

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  • mostfamouswriter


    Good book, I could see the author has put in a lot of efforts in phrasing and it's better quality than average internet novels

    2024-04-04 21:00:53
  • ChadGuy45


    There will be one chapter posted everyday for the entire month April

    2024-04-04 15:06:28
  • ChadGuy45


    Thanks for reading!

    2024-04-04 14:36:00
  • Haari༊*· ̊


    I don't like the title tbh, it's meh compared to what the story is. Love the plot so far, I really like this author bro doesn't go overboard nor limit his writing

    2024-04-04 21:57:16
Latest Chapter
18 chapters
Chapter 1: Gabriel Jones
Afraid of the inevitable nuclear annihilation of the world? Fear not! With only a deposit of 250 thousand dollars, you and your family will have a safe shelter underground to rebuild the society of the future! RadGuard, America into the Future! Some citizens might be eligible for discounts up to even 100% off; call 1-800-GET-RADG now.An advertisement blared through the television speakers before transitioning to a program. This time, the kid, usually indifferent, found himself captivated. His eyes widened as he stood up, a departure from his usual drowsiness."The enemy is on our borders, near our waters, and roaming in the sky of our great country, but fear not for one man, who puts fear back into the heart of the enemy, will save us all." A short slide played before cutting to an interviewer who faced the camera, "This is a trying time for our nation; our neighbors who once stood loyally by our side abandoned us. A state that we trusted for so long left for the enemy. And with ever
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Chapter 2 (Part 1): Nuclear Silo Info Leaked?
(Author's Note: This story is not meant to offend anyone, or paint anyone in a good or bad light. I am not an American, if you are asking. My only intention is to entertain you) The President stood in the middle of the podium, with lights from countless cameras flashing and recording this event; there were leaders, even soldiers from all around the world, seated in this event, "This once peaceful country, now devolved into a messy, unstable nation, the enemy has not stopped, they have not wavered, and peace, well, there can never be peace with the enemy knocking on our door. And even in this trying time, it is important that we give our respects, our praises, our admiration to the man and woman who died and served our country valiantly."He stepped out of the podium, ready to place medals around the necks of the soldiers.One by one, the soldiers stepped forward, receiving their medals. However, the majority of the medals were given to the wives and children of the soldiers, for most
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Chapter 2 (Part 2): Nuclear Silo Info Leaked?
“I already told you that you do not need to talk back to the reporters, I will deal with them, you don't have to worry.” The President said.“That's exactly why I did that. It's best you don't get involved with media matters, sir. They’ll paint you in a bad picture.” Gabriel replied. “I know, let's not talk about that stuff anymore. I want to thank you again for reclaiming Florida for us. Tell me what you want, and if I can do that, I will give you what you desire.” Gabriel sat silent, “I was about to tell you this President, but this is the perfect time for me to request this, I would like for you to approve my retirement.” The President looked shocked, he wasn't expecting this request, “I uhm, is there a reason why you would want a retirement?”“The pay is good sir, I'm treated very well among the military, but I am tired. For the past decade, I have fought very hard, I haven't gotten proper sleep or rest, and I would like to retire.”The President sighed, “Sigh, Gabriel, you kno
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Chapter 3 (Part 1): Trio
Gabriel’s eyes widened, “Then this is an emergency, I have to tell the President that the information has been leaked. If what you said was right, then it means that I have to take California back, today.” He said before he turned back. “You don't have to find the person that leaked the information, I gave it to them. Well, I am about to give it to them.” He said, raising a USB flash drive.Jones turned back as he saw the USB flash drive, it was not a copy, it was the original that the President kept, and only the President knew the password. He shook his head, “You scumbag, you can't access it, only the President knows the password to decrypt it.” “You’re wrong, the Russian has a supercomputer, you see, and with it, in a few months, this flash drive will be decrypted.” “Why? Why side with them? Why side with the enemy.” Jones tightened his fist. “For true peace, Agent Jones, for true peace. They will win, and when they do, America will be truly free. I'm doing this for America.”
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Chapter 3 (Part 2): Trio
Jones, instead of trying to stand up, let his body weight and physics take their course, letting his body fall onto Ruiwei's legs. Ruiwei prepared to deliver a barrage of punches toward Gabriel’s head, however, Jones used his hand and pulled the popliteal fossa, causing the enemy to tumble to the ground, and allowed him to stand up.But as he did, Ruilong and Ruixin delivered a punch to him at the same time, one punch to his face and another to his stomach. He was pushed back considerably by this attack but maintained his balance. Ruilong swiftly swooped his legs, causing him to fall on his back, and before he could do anything, Ruixin jumped and with the heels of the shoe, stomped onto Gabriel’s stomach. He grunted before holding onto the heels of Ruixin, pushing it so he could get up and throwing Ruixin towards Ruilong, but this time, Ruilong was able to catch his comrade.This wide gap of time allowed Ruiwei to get on his feet, although looked hurt, he was ready to fight. Gabr
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Chapter 3 (Part 3): Trio
His suit, although didn't look like armor, was one nevertheless. It was made with kevlar clothing and titanium plating, and although it wouldn't protect him from higher caliber bullets, it would do fine against the lighter ones. Phoo! The door broke open, with the pieces of the drawer and table flying everywhere. “Come out, don't waste our time. We don't want this to go on as much as you.” Xiong Lei said in Mandarin as they looked around before they were met with a barrage of bullets to their helmets. None of them pierced through or were able to hurt them. But the sound and the vibrations that were caused by it were enough to cause confusion. “We gave you a chance!” Nikolai shouted, before taking out a grenade launcher. However, before he could fire a grenade out of the equipment, Xiong Lei stopped him. “What!?”“You don't want to destroy the information.” He said before they felt something pushed them and ran past them. “It's Gabriel, he ran out!” Nikolai rushed out of the baseme
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Chapter 4 (Part 1): Red Bear
Sergei Nikolai rushed him with a punch, but now, with the armor, Gabriel held onto the fist easily, before punching him back. Xiong Lei then blasted him with a barrage of grenade attacks before coming in and trying to attack him with a kick, but the only damage that was done was a scratch on the armor. Before Gabriel could deliver a punch back, Xiong Lei jumped back. “You can keep the USB! You think we would risk this much for some Nukes, we have many too!” He laughed. Gabriel tried guessing, “You’re trying to reclaim Florida?!” Xiong Lei shook his head before pointing up. The colonel shouted as he tried running towards him, “Move out of the way!!!” But as Gabriel looked up, he could see light from the sky as a blue beam forcibly pushed him to the ground. . ‘Gravity field. Shoot!’ He thought as he struggled to get up from the floor. “Why would we try to steal anything from this country, when you are here to ruin anything anyways? Might as well get rid of the problem.” Gabriel
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Chapter 4 (Part 2): Red Bear
He took off his formal suit and started putting on his military camo attire, it was much more comfortable and cleaner than the suit that he had now.“I can't just leave this here.” He whispered to himself as he stared at the armor which he left on the ground. No one would ignore a shiny piece of heavy armor here. And if left there, it would definitely go missing. He looked around and found a rotten log with the middle of it empty, so he broke it in half and started using it as a shovel, digging the ground till the sky darkened, leaving his armor and most of his heavy weaponry in the ground before covering it with dirt. Seeing that the sky was dark he took out a lighter and started a fire near the fireplace that he just constructed. #Meanwhile, at the village near South Dundee, many of the armed men were out guarding on top of the walls of the village, keeping out for the creatures that loomed in the forest nearby. Inside of the village square, the other half of the armed men sta
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Chapter 5: Village
His heart rate spiked up, causing him to look around, this was what he normally does when he needs problems fixed, it helped him a lot in the past and enabled him to think of a solution.But the weapon that the enemy had used against him was like nothing that he had ever seen before. “They were able to teleport me and everything under the beam…” He whispered, trying to remember any memory that might give him a clue of who created this weapon and how he could reverse the effects and go back. “Do they even know that I am still alive?” But as he tried thinking of a solution, his stomach growled, disturbing his concentration. Despite eating the biscuit that has fulfilled his nutritional needs, it has failed to fill his hunger, which caused him to look around.His eyes stopped as he looked at the bear, he didn't even have to think about it, his instinct took out his knife and started cutting open the bear, removing the meat from the skin before placing it above the fire for it to cook.
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Chapter 6: Beyond the Wall
“I don’t know about you, but it has been a long day for me, so I will go to sleep first. We will talk tomorrow.” He said before handing Gabriel a soft cloth for him to sleep on. Gabriel just realized this, but the fight that took place in the General’s mansion had his body aching a lot. As he looked at the soft white cloth, his eyes started blinking slowly. He dropped the cloth on the floor, before taking out his suit and using it as a pillow. Although it was not soft as one, as he placed his head on it, he immediately fell asleep. # Gabriel continued eating his military ration biscuits and drinking his clean bottled water as the monk started cooking up stew in one of the rooms in the temple. “Want some?” The monk asked as he mixed in some vegetables into the stew.Seeing that the water that the monk used for the stew was not filtered properly, he declined, “I’ll pass.” “Your loss.” the monk shrugged before pouring himself some to eat, “So which country are you from anyways?”
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