My Sudden Rich System

25 ratings

My Sudden Rich System

By: M_jief CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 411 views: 106.9K

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Despite being dedicated to his job for several years, Asher Parker, a master mechanic, continues to be looked down upon and mistreated. Asher is only paid below the minimum wage standard. As if fate truly hates him, Asher discovers that his girlfriend, who has been taking most of the money from his salary, has cheated on him and broken up with him. Amid his despair, Asher experienced something out of his mind. His life was about to change drastically. [RING!] [Do you want to accept the consortium system? Yes/No] [Open mission: spend all the money available to change your fate. Become a super urban man!]

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  • M_jief


    If you love this don't forget to check "My Reality-Changing System."

    2024-05-17 12:19:52
  • Humming Byrd


    Good novel

    2023-09-08 04:23:46
  • NFA


    Never tired of reading this book!

    2023-07-31 14:21:21
  • IEL


    I just love this book!

    2023-07-28 00:31:50
  • Fad Lun



    2023-07-28 00:25:47
  • Humming Byrd


    From the most award-winning author...

    2023-07-19 02:44:54
  • Bella Elena


    hallo.... very good story....

    2023-07-13 15:31:57
  • The Storyteller


    I am a fan of the humor in this book.

    2023-06-01 11:48:59
  • Moh Afief


    Urban + system + action + a little of Harem. I'm seated.

    2023-05-30 07:51:25
  • Jay Moran


    Let's go Asher. get those ladies!

    2023-05-29 18:45:24
  • Lord MOH


    As the winner of the previous urban contest, I really hope this book get some spots in the 3rd urban contest. This story is actually very entertaining.

    2023-05-26 10:24:29
  • W Lord Moh


    Genuinely exciting with this author's work.

    2023-05-26 10:18:18
  • M_jief


    Hey welcome to the new book. This time around I present you something different than my previous 2 books. It's an urban story, but you know your buddy love a system too. So I put the element in this story as well. Hopefully you guys love it.

    2023-04-21 14:59:25
  • Asyer Natanael


    Hi bro, can I translate this your novel in to Indonesian? please... your novel is good bro I like it

    2024-05-05 21:29:02
  • Yodi Nebrija


    Nice one. It is relaxing to read

    2023-07-30 10:31:42
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Latest Chapter
411 chapters
Chapter 1: One Sided Love
"Asher Parker, you look so radiant today. I noticed that you are also smiling broadly. What's the happy news?" Julian, Asher's best friend, started mocking Asher. They were sitting in a restaurant enjoying lunch. Asher couldn't hide his smile as he looked at his girlfriend's picture on his mobile phone. Today is the anniversary day for Asher and his lover. Although they are separated by distance and time, Asher feels close to his girlfriend. He always sends messages, video calls, and gifts to strengthen their bond. "Yeah, mate. Today is a special day for me and my girlfriend. We've been in a relationship for the past few years. You don't know what it's like to have the perfect girlfriend," Asher replied as he showed Julian a picture of his girlfriend. "Ah, yes. I know you have a great girlfriend. But you guys are in a long-distance relationship. How do you manage to stay together when you're apart? It's tough for me to maintain a close relationship," Julian asked with curiosity and
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Chapter 2: System Emergence
But Britney's every flirtation and seduction managed to make Asher melt and choose to date the girl who lived in New Castle. Asher thinks that at least the girl is in a city not far from Asher's hometown. But after that, Julian came and broke Asher's mind. The man immediately replied with a sharp intake of breath, "Mate, you need to calm down. I have something important to tell you. It's all to do with your girlfriend. There's something important you should know." "I honestly don't want to see you get treated like this, but it's a painful fact," Julian said sadly. The man then showed Britney's tok account, which featured an intimate video between the girl and another man. It made Asher not want to believe. Asher took Julian's mobile phone and scrolled through Britney's account and saw that there was a lot of intimate content between the girl and other men. What's worse is that Asher seems to recognise the man in the content. "The man in the video is very familiar to me. Isn't this
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Chapter 3: Time to Change
Asher walked out of Walmart, carrying bags of groceries that he bought with the system's funds. He felt a sense of relief and satisfaction as he loaded them into the borrowed car. [RING! Congratulations, you have spent $1000 in less than 30 minutes after following the system's manual guidance. You get a $20,000 prize and three system points.] TRING! Asher checked his ancient phone that he got from his birthday gift and saw a surprising notification. [Dollar Bank Info: the Account's holder 0987654 made a transaction at 7.20 p.m., and the Total Balance is now $20.400." Asher was stunned; he had a bank account that he only used to receive his monthly salary. But now it seems that the consortium system is also connected to Asher's bank account. [Name: Asher Parker] [Level: 0] [System point: 3/100] [Charms Point: 4] [Skills: Basic Mechanical Enginnering] [Inventory: None] [Shop: Locked] [Lottery: Unavailable] [Balance: $20.400] [Task: System Manual Guidance completed] [Are you rea
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Chapter 4: From Zero To Hero
A few days passed, Asher was sitting in a restaurant, working on some documents. He had a lot on his plate and needed some assistance. Asher decided to look for a personal assistant since he was not good at Management, so Asher needed someone else to run his businesses. "That woman is so suspicious. What happened?" Asher muttered softly when he saw a woman walk. Near the woman's table were a few men who looked shady. Those men kept glancing at the woman as if they had a plan. Asher felt a pang of pity; his intuition told him that the woman was in danger. "System, can you scan all their info?" Asher asked. [The ability to scan someone's data may be used on someone close to you.] "You can check that woman and those men." [Her name is Rachel Blackwood. Her age is 24. Her Charms point is in 9. Rachel is a management expertise.] [As the secretary of a large company, Rachel recently offended her boss because she did not want to be harassed, so she resigned and hid her identity]. [Th
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Chapter 5: Vigilante Action
"Is that a real gun?" Those guys exclaimed as he backed away. It turned out they only carry a gun and don't know how to use it properly. "Get down now, or I'll shoot your leg and make you crippled for life." "Fuck!" They were still reluctant, but when they heard the police sirens from afar, they panicked. "My friends are on their way," Asher said confidently. Asher knew he was risking his life. If this trick didn't work, Asher would be the one lying in the hospital forever. Asher was glad to see those men surrender. Asher grabbed the rope from his bag and tossed it to Rachel, who looked confused but understood what Asher meant. "I get it," Rachel used the rope to tie up the criminals. After securing them all, Rachel walked up to Asher and thanked him sincerely. Asher was thrilled as it was his first time being so close to a beautiful woman, so he was naturally nervous. "Thank you," Rachel said. Asher compared Rachel to his Britney and realised there was no comparison. Both of
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Chapter 6: Make a Deal
The sound of shattering glass echoed through the office, making everyone turn their heads. Mr Turner, the pot-bellied boss, was furious. He had just received the news that his team had failed to secure a significant contract. He threw his coffee mug at the window, not caring about the mess or the cost. "Rachel, how can you get away with this!" he shouted at his secretary, who was standing nearby. "What are you looking at, you useless cunt!" The woman was stunned and immediately left the room. It happened because Rachel left the company after she had worked hard for Mr Turner for two years. A glimpse of memory appeared before his eyes. "Mr Turner, I'm a woman of honour," Rachel tried to reason with him. "It's not fair to force me to do something I don't desire." "Shut up! How dare you raise your voice like that!" Mr Turner yelled. "You're lucky I don't sue you for negligence!" "Negligence? I tried to forget this issue and move right past it. But I guess I'll see you in court." Rac
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Chapter 7: Test The Talent
Asher took a Doctor's Suit and started to analyse the Patient as if he were going to cure him. [RING! New mission. You must cure an old man who is currently in a vegetative state.] The system referred to the nearby VIP ward in a room so luxurious that even the ward where Asher was treated could not be compared; it was more accurately called the Room of the Rich than the VIP Ward. "The system scanned this old man's identity," Asher said as he looked at the white-haired man lying unconscious on the bed with a digital device connected to his body. [Name: Sebastian Hayes] [Notes: One of the wealthiest people in Nevada today has been in a vegetative state for ten years; the older man's body is exposed to toxins that cannot be detected by modern medicine, which will degrade the body's functions day by day]. [If you don't save him within an hour, then the old man will die due to declining body functions, but if the task fails, you get no punishment.] Asher felt a pang of pity for the o
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Chapter 8: The Way to Help
Asher felt exhausted after using his inner energy to cure the old man. He had never tried such a difficult task before, and he was not sure if he could succeed. He had to channel his energy through his hands into the old man's body and then draw out the poison that was slowly killing him. He watched as a thick black liquid emerged from the old man's mouth and flowed into a flower vase next to him. The liquid was foul-smelling and corrosive; it burned through the vase and spilt onto the floor. Asher hoped that no one would notice the mess. He was glad that he had locked the door behind him and that no one had disturbed him during his operation. He checked the old man's vital signs; they were stable and normal. His skin had regained some colour, and his breathing was steady. He had done it; he had saved him. Noora, who had witnessed the whole process, was amazed and grateful. She had seen Asher use his hands to heal her grandfather without any instruments or drugs. She had seen the p
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Chapter 9: Personal Asistant
It was evening; Asher and Rachel met at the same restaurant, and they exchanged glances. Asher was dressed casually, but he still looked handsome. He was sitting with Julian, his friend from Winchester, waiting for someone. "Wow, boss, look at that woman. She's stunning. Is she a celebrity?" Julian exclaimed as he saw a woman enter the place. "She's all right," Asher replied indifferently, making Julian wonder if his boss had lost interest in women after breaking up with his girlfriend. Julian, who was known as a flirt in his village, knew that he had no chance with this woman. "Good evening, boss," but what shocked and puzzled Julian more was that the woman greeted his boss. "Damn, is this his childhood friend he mentioned about?" Julian thought. "Have a seat," Rachel was amazed by the change in Asher. His beautiful eyes glanced at her with curiosity. "Don't look at me like that. I'm still the same person." Asher sipped his coffee and said, "This is just a side effect of yester
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Chapter 10: Unreasonable Excuses
The sudden rise of Sun Frey Company shook the business world of Samland. This mysterious corporation swiftly took over Bailey's Building Company, one of the top players in the industry. A meeting of the board of directors was held at Bailey's Building Company headquarters, and a stunning woman presided over it. She was none other than Rachel, the president of Sun Frey Company. She had learned that Asher, her lover, had won the company in a lottery, and she was not surprised by his luck. But when she heard the name of the company, she gasped, "So he is the one who owns Bailey's Building Company!" The board of directors nodded in awe. "Well, as we agreed before, Sun Frey Company will be in charge, and everything else will remain the same," Rachel concluded the meeting; she was not only beautiful but also powerful and decisive. The directors did not dare to challenge her decision and could only admire her. "President Rachel, can we have lunch together?" a handsome man in designer cloth
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