Tattooed Luna

137 ratings

Tattooed Luna

By: Mrs. Smith CompletedWerewolf

Language: English

Chapters: 615 views: 1.3M

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*There are three books in one! Since they need to be read in order, they are one right after another! * With a genius IQ and her own tattoo shop, Kristen is about to become 18. After years of being abused by her stepmother, Kristen has decided to leave her pack with the money her tattoo shop has made. Regardless of who her mate is, Kristen will be on her own adventure. Unfortunately, more than one male has a problem with her independence. Kristen's fiery personality has placed her into a situation that is forcing her to face everything she has escaped. How much can one person endure before they give up?

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  • Nicki


    Could you maybe put in the description from which chapters the other two books start? I was very disappointed when I finished the first book thinking there were more chapters. Made it a bit difficult to start reading the second book. Actually had to take a little break ... love the first book tho ...️

    2024-06-07 05:31:45
  • Caroline Cristina


    aha aua a91nq7wyw8evsuhs8wnqianauaba8qbqjqbqbqqbbquqbw6evejana8qbquqbwiq q9wnqq9whq72y2u2h2727727271u1h2v22v2gh1qhuwua7ahqoqoqoqqijqnqnqnqjqiqbwjajajajajajqbqbwiwbwuwbwuqhqjnqainwnanaianaianaianajqnwiqnwjbwianajajajajajqjqjqiquqiqiq81i82bwjsbsuahaubaiabauabahabahabababahbaqhhahahabqbqbbqbqhqhqhqhqh

    2024-05-27 18:59:21
  • Wendy Jackson


    I absolutely loved this book! It is really a great read and I recommend it!

    2024-05-03 01:43:52
  • Melinda Payne Garrison


    This book was so good. It had a plot line that was interesting and kept me having to know what happened next.

    2024-04-23 05:03:28
  • tiaya stewart


    the book sounds so intriguing and I really want to read it but I'm more of a listener so when this book is in audio form let me know cuz cuz I would definitely spend the money and listen to the book

    2024-04-19 13:00:34
  • Megan Adair


    Love this book

    2024-04-19 05:32:03
  • Alisha Fields


    This book is so beautiful dangerous sexy and addicting it’s unbelievable I hate having to wait for chapters but it keeps me interested and digging for more I 100% recommend and love this book

    2024-03-19 08:37:53
  • Christian Krumby


    I LOVE this book, the only onefor wich î am willing to pay ! I'm hooked!

    2024-03-06 01:24:38
  • Lauren Johnston


    Love this book, has me absolutely hooked. Well written and a great story line.

    2024-03-02 11:50:11
  • Mel Riley


    loving this book so far

    2024-02-25 12:49:35
  • Marie Petersen


    I loved this. So good and female empowering. Making my partner read it

    2024-02-12 17:00:19
  • Mette G. Hjelm


    love it ... Best book ever ...

    2024-01-19 19:00:54
  • Tammy Sturgill


    I love this book can't wait for more!

    2024-01-17 23:30:15
  • Santania Brown


    I love this story. I love it so much I need it in an actual book. Let me know if you ever put in physical book. I will be one of the first to buy it.

    2023-12-20 03:10:42
  • Lisa Hinkle


    so far this book has a good beginning, I look forward to see where it goes.

    2023-12-09 23:54:01
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615 chapters
Chapter 0001
“Kristen, are you ready?” Jacob asked. He was being very impatient with me. His shaggy black hair was getting into his crystal clear blue eyes. Looking over, I watched him run his hands through his hair. Jacob was hot, I’ve give him that. Very muscular and tall at 6’1” but not exactly my type. Fun t
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Chapter 0002
“Where have you girls been?” As soon as our bikes pulled up to the pack house, my mother was already jumping down my throat. For a Luna, she was especially over bearing and always nagging on me about something I did wrong. I was never good enough in her eyes. She was a tiny thing a just under 5’5”
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Chapter 0003
I chose to ignore that comment. “What can I do for you?” “Angela can be a hot head but she is transferring too and I don’t want there to be problems at school.” I almost felt disappointed...almost. “As long as she knows her place. If not, I’m sure she will find it soon enough.” It wasnt a threat
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Chapter 0004
The line wasn’t long so I was able to get my tray and find a seat rather quickly. The cafeteria was like all the rest. Each pack sat in their own corner and humans filled in the rest. “Ice!” Jacob called out and waved me over. “Girl, you don’t look too bad.” Emmy said looking at my lip. “I’ve h
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Chapter 0005
“I’m ready!” Emmy came out of the bathroom. She was a knockout in her dress. It has strings scrunching the sides and it was tightened enough her ass was almost sticking out. “Damn.” Jasper’s mouth dropped. Alec and I looked at him and laughed. It felt so easy to be around them. “Eat your heart o
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Chapter 0006
“Hell yeah!” Emmy yelled before grabbing Jacob’s hand. Colt and Kara followed us. His arm was around her shoulders. As soon as we hit the dance floor, Ace had his hands firmly on my hips, as he was pressed against me. “Damn, woman. I want a bite.” Ace said in the mind-link. Resting my head agai
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Chapter 0007
“What is Emmy short for?” Jasper asked “Emily.” “What a beautiful name.” Jasper ran his finger down her cheek. I leaned over to Alec, “is he always like this?” “No, he is being weird.” “Do you think they are mates?” “We will find out here soon.” Alec showed me his watch. Fifteen minutes. “
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Chapter 0008
“No, I am going to take her to her brother. You are going to go be with your friends.” “What? You’re choosing her over me?” Angela looked at me like she was disgusted. “I’m not choosing anyone. I am doing what I told her brother I would do. This is why we will never be a couple.” I saw the hurt f
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Chapter 0009
Jasper wasn’t the same man I saw earlier. He made me want to hide with his demeanor. He walked out of the bathroom. “Come to Alpha Brians office tomorrow with Alpha Marc. We will settle details then.” Colt answered. “We will be there.” Alec looked at Angela. “Your cells or mine?” “Mine.” I answe
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Chapter 0010
“Alpha Brian.” Alpha Marc said as he walked in. I tried to stand but he put a hand on my shoulder. “Dont try to get up. How are you feeling?” “She’s fine.” Ann spoke for me. Everyone looked over, confused as to why she was answering. The three girls walked in with Alec, Jasper and Emmy. Emmy came r
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