The Successor System

23 ratings

The Successor System

By: Khay Phynom OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 112 views: 34.1K

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Betrayed by the woman he loved, Art ended up dying with the last thing he saw being her kissing another man. He was filled with regret about how wasted his life was but he was given another chance. [Potential Successor found. Do you wish to accept] He found himself transmigrated into the body of a sixteen-year-old who died, with his body being weak to dislocate just by swinging a sword. Even with something like this, his System delivered a task that seemed impossible. [Become the most powerful mage] Follow Art on his journey, from being the weakest to the strongest mage in the world.

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  • KamiG


    Nice book.... Can't wait for more

    2024-07-12 18:05:33
  • Hilary


    Author should get serious. One chapter a month is not good enough!!

    2024-04-01 00:33:33
  • Hilary


    Hey author you are back!! Good to see you are well..

    2023-11-16 23:34:51
  • Lucas


    Very Good book

    2023-06-15 11:11:07
  • Mia 625


    It is good, Very good indeed, the book just gave me a reality check and I can't complain anymore....

    2023-05-16 05:59:06
  • White 🐻‍❄️


    This book is awesome from the plot to the characters, especially the MC. Although it still needs some world building which is gradually coming together. I recommend it to anyone in this platform interested in system and magic. Author keep up the good work.

    2023-05-02 04:57:17
  • Jacob Bradfield


    only 4 stars due to no updates in a while

    2023-07-13 10:09:05
  • Mokku


    I like your book, please more chapter….

    2024-06-24 11:42:51
  • Brajion


    Im loving this book so far cant wait for my chapters to release

    2024-01-29 10:32:43
  • Kapeka


    This is an amazing read. I’m glad the author is back and I’m hopeful that we will have regular updates on chapters.

    2023-11-17 00:21:10
  • danielblaise7260


    one of the chapters refuses to open

    2023-08-07 01:51:31
  • AI Morgan


    great novel

    2023-07-24 09:31:25
  • Darrell Beam


    First few chapters in and I’m hooked! Good read!

    2023-07-23 01:42:46
  • ichigo97


    fall in love with it!! can't wait to read more

    2023-07-04 15:11:27
  • FastxD3athxx


    10/10 Great author, amazing chapters and great story arc

    2023-07-03 11:04:58
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112 chapters
Painful Death
A young man about 23 years old could be seen standing in the middle of several people who lay lifeless in a pool of blood. It was deep in the night and such a sight would be both terrible and frightening to a normal person, but this was a desolate area so there was no one to notice what had happened here.He was also covered in blood belonging to both him and the people on the ground as he used the remaining consciousness he had left to stare at the woman who he had fallen in love with and even wanted to marry.She had betrayed him by handing him over to the people who sought after his life the most. His family was very wealthy and influential, striking fear in almost anyone who heard of them, but what most people didn't know was that there was an internal war going on between his father and his uncle. He wasn’t interested in all this but always stayed on his toes because he was the first son of his father making him the heir.But today he had gone on a date with his fiancé, ending
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His eyes flickered for some time before finally opening. His vision was blurry at first but it took only a few seconds to get clear.‘Where am I?’ he said internally while slowly gazing around the luxurious room where he lay. The bed he was lying on was so comfortable that he felt like going back to sleep but when he remembered his death along with the strange voice and screen, his eyes widened as he immediately sat up. He observed the room in more detail. The style and design were like that of an 18th-century royalty but the materials used were something the 21st century could only wish for.The windows were wide open and he could hear some clanging sounds coming from outside.The air he was breathing was much purer than his former world.Before he could dwell further in his thoughts, the golden screen which had appeared after his death, materialized once more in front of him.He moved slightly backward due to shock before reading what was written.[Congratulations! Host has succe
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In a magical world
He clearly remembers the words written back then on the screen. [Searching for suitable host] By no means was this body suitable, no, it was more of suicide. “System! What is the meaning of this? Why didn’t you tell me that this is a magical world?” All his plans had just been blown away, there was no way that money was the most important thing here. ‘You were the one who assumed that it wasn’t silly.’He heard a voice which caused him to look around the room alarmed. He could recognize the voice. It was the same soothing voice that had spoken to him after the system first appeared, without a doubt, belonging to a female. “Who is there? Who are you?” He couldn’t see anyone at all. If he told anyone about this in his former world, they would just shake their head and direct him to a psychiatric hospital.‘Unfortunately for you—you can’t see me because I’m speaking directly into your mind. In a way, I’m within it.“Huh! Within my mind? How?” He wasn’t comfortable with this and i
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Gaining an ally
After the system flooded him with all that information he didn't want to experience again, he ended up falling to the ground and hadn't gotten up since then, so he couldn't see the person who just came into his room because of the big bed which obstructed his vision. But the person walked around as both of their gazes fell on each other. He could recognize the girl in front of him even though this was actually his first time meeting her. She was about his age or a little older with short bright blue hair and azure eyes, which were filled with worry. She was very beautiful, several times more than his ex-fiancé in all aspects. According to the information and memory he had received, unlike his former world, people here possessed varieties of eye and hair colour which he appreciated. Even he had golden eyes. The girl in front of him was dressed in a special maid outfit which was just a little bit above her knee with knee-length socks, and according to what he remembers, she wa
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Binary Stats
*Sigh*'I'm impressed. Even though you lack in many aspects, your acting is quite commendable,' her voice came into his mind once again, and even though he didn't still feel comfortable he was slowly getting used to it."I won't consider it acting since I meant most of what I said," he voiced out.'Nice point. You don't have to speak up whenever you're talking to me we're linked telepathically."Oh whatever," he shrugged.Racheal had left him earlier to inform his father of his waking up, leaving him alone once more. So he was free to check his status.[Name: Art Von SilverRace: HumanLevel: 1EXP: 0/1HP: 10/10MP: ???STR: 1AGI: 1STA: 1VIT:1INT:0Attribute: none][System remark: Pitiful]Art's lips twitched several times as his stats reminded him of a term in his former world.'Binary' "System, I refuse to accept this. Your evaluation isn't totally correct, especially the intelligence stat. I don't believe I'm that dumb. How can it be zero," he protested, and what was with th
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Let off some steam
Art walked through the long hallway with Racheal behind him. Bathing and dressing proved more difficult than he expected.He was quite surprised and relieved to see that the clothes in this world were very similar to his former.Racheal kept staring at him with worry. Moving around like this on his own was surely difficult. She insisted on helping him as usual but he refused, saying that it was just walking. She has been with him long enough to know that even walking was tiring for him. There was a time when a wheelchair was suggested but he discarded the idea saying that he wasn’t disabled. Such a stubborn boy! They arrived in a large living room which was more like a hall and he had to walk across to get to the dining room.She had a bothered expression which Art believed came from something else. Gaining the memories of the former body owner didn’t mean that he knew everything that happened in his life. The memories were filtered and similar to someone who has amnesia and is
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Daily quest completed
Hours later,~Pant~ ~Pant~~Pant~Art was covered in sweat while panting profusely. He lay flat on the floor of his room.With the state of his body, anyone who sees him would conclude that he was going to die at any second. Damn! He even looked like a ghost. Still, he had an exhausted smile as he stared at the screen in front of him.[Exercise:100 press-ups: ✓100 push-ups: ✓100 sit-ups: ✓10 km run: incompleteFeeding:5 Litres of water:✓5 kg of food:✓]Now, he only had to do the 10 km run.It had taken him over six hours to do all this, and honestly, he didn't think that he was going to make it, but here he was.He drank more water and rested for some minutes before heading out to the large training field. He didn't need any help getting to the destination he needed.Even though he just arrived a day ago, he knew this mansion like the back of his hand.When he arrived at the large field he could see about 3 people who were doing different sorts of training.The way they train
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Going farming!
He woke up the next morning, once again on his comfortable bed.“I don't think I'll be getting used to this anytime soon,” he muttered with a smile.‘I on the other hand think that I'll be getting used to your weakness very soon.’His mouth twitched as this was not the first thing he wanted to hear on a beautiful morning.“Come to think of it, you barely said anything yesterday.”‘Come on now. Don't tell me you're getting attached to my voice?’“O…of course not,” he stammered with his face turning a little red. Although he wasn't used to the sensation of someone in his mind, her voice was the best thing he has ever heard which was why he never truly complains. But how could he tell her that?“It was just so peaceful yesterday. I hope that happens often.”'Is that so? Then your prayers are answered .’“Huh?”‘The telekinetic bond between us requires a lot of mana to be maintained and since you're too weak I'm the one providing all that mana. Unfortunately, I can't keep wasting it on yo
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The Journey begins
The ride wasn't a long one and they were now in a forest which was of course within the range they were allowed to go. Just as he anticipated, Racheal had brought him to this part of the forest which was mostly filled with a certain F-rank agility base beast.Beasts were separated into two classes. Normal and Magical.Magical unlike normal beasts could use mana and magic attributes, they also possessed mana cores just like humans. Mana cores were very important as almost everything runs with mana and they served like a battery.Both classes of beasts followed the same ranking. F-RankE-RankD-RankC-RankB-RankA-Rank S-RankS+ RankSS RankSS+ Rank Lesser beasts were from F to A-rank with A-rank and below being greater beasts. The cores produced by magical beasts also followed the same ranking.So this place was filled with the lowest rank of beasts but it was still too risky for someone like him. They both came out of the vehicle before glancing around.It seemed like they wer
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Life threatening battle
His eyes were filled with wariness as he approached the wolf beast. He monitored every inch of its body to predict its movements which would cover up for his lack of speed. If he didn’t have all this training from his former world, his chances of victory would be nearly impossible but he did, which increased his probability of coming out victorious to 40 percent and this depended on his first attack, so he didn't plan on messing it up.This scenario reminded him of a time in his previous life when he had to defend himself from a crazy dog using a piece of broken glass and he emerged victorious with some injuries, most of which were caused by the weapon he used. Even though the weapon he wielded now was much better than any he had ever come across, this situation was worse than then.Racheal watched in worry as they both inched closer to each other with her heart racing and when they reached 10 meters apart, they both lunged forward. Art expected it to leap to his upper region w
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