Red Hot Affairs: The Billionaire's Pimp

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Red Hot Affairs: The Billionaire's Pimp

By: Sousia OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 60 views: 2.4K

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With a bounty placed on her head, Serafina, an Italian immigrant with a traumatic past, flees her country to live as a fugitive in America as she gets to work as a faux prostitute and a killer under an infamous Pimp who takes her in and promises to get her a work permit in America and protect her while her presence remains illegal. She is forced, by circumstances, seduce and swindle men to survive and hide away from her killers. She meets Giovanni one fateful night in what she believed to be a coincidence and following a steamy one night stand, she tries to swindle him like she usually does but is swiftly caught and attacked after a failed attempt at drugging him. He subdues her and makes her a deal: To work for his secret organisation or to be arrested and deported back to Italy where she will finally be hunted down by her bounty killers. Serafina, having no option, agrees and they both start off hating each other after a night that would have bloomed into a beautiful relationship. The rebellious duo weave through crime, deaths, swindling and exerting revenge on corrupt government officials, having to save each other from harm's way and when their feelings, flaming desires and passion starts to surpass the hate they have for each other, they are forced to make compromises and in the end, Serafina's love for Giovanni is tested when her life is threatened by her former boss. Will she bring him to his doom or sacrifice everything for the man she loves?

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  • Ayan


    Great story with magnificent creativity and humor ...

    2023-12-24 13:54:34
  • Sousia


    This is a good read, I assure you!

    2023-12-22 04:54:38
  • Yourpsychodreams


    I'm so In love with this book for sure

    2023-12-29 21:26:46
  • Sousia


    Can Serafina and Giovanni quit beating each other up and fall in love?... This is a really nice book. I recommend if you love reading steamy romance with a dash of danger and guns.

    2023-12-21 11:24:27
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60 chapters
A Fated Encounter
PROLOGUE."Marcia, you can't be here anymore. It is too dangerous for you!" Griselda, the old lady who had been keeping her in hiding for weeks, whispered loudly.It was already late, as late as three o'clock in the night, and Marcia had been awoken from her sleep by the old lady, only to be told that she couldn't be accommodated anymore. At first, she thought she was in a dream, but it was all real now. Marcia stood to her feet. She was dressed in tattered clothing, and her hair had lost colour. She was pale and sickly, looking like she was a cancer patient. "What is it, Griselda? Did I do something wrong? Did I measure the ingredients for your cake incorrectly? I promise I'll fix it tomorrow," She pleaded and tried to take the old woman's hand, but Griselda pulled away. "I know you're mad at me, but please, don't throw me out into the streets. It's too dangerous out there for me. You know I will be dead as soon as they find me."Griselda sighed. "Child, I am not throwing you out b
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A Seductress' Guide To Manipulation
A dark-haired lady wearing a skimpy red dress and a pair of black Jimmy Choos pushed past a crowd of drunk, sweaty people, dancing and frolicking against the messy floors. Strobe lights danced around the room.A drunken man stood in her way, smiling widely like a predator, wrapping his arms around her waist. He proceeded to speak with his alcohol-filled breath. "My, don't you look sexy tonight?"Serafina was not in the mood to politely ask a stranger to let her be, so she pushed him to the side, and he crashed to the floor. Gasps were heard around, but she didn't care at this point.She made a beeline for the bar and slipped into a stool, smiling at the bartender whose skin was marked with so many tattoos. He smiled at her. "What would you be having, pretty lady?"She smiled back at him, slipping her burgundy manicured nails into her painted lips. "I'd have bloody Mary, thanks.""Target in sight." She spoke into the one-way voice link device attached to her ears as soon as the barten
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A Seductress' Conquest
They had just gotten to the suite, and as soon as the door closed behind them, Conor grabbed her and pushed her against the wall as he crashed his lips into hers and began to kiss her.Serafina was filled with disgust as Conor's lips ground against hers. He tasted of cigarettes and alcohol, a combination she so hated. He palmed her breasts, kneading like his life depended on it and causing her pain. She tried to push him off, but he was consumed by lust and desire."Do you know how long I've waited to have a woman as beautiful as you?" Conor whispered against her neck as he sank his teeth into her flesh. She didn't want hickeys. Not from a man she was likely to kill, so she pushed him off and laughed, ignoring his look of surprise. "Tell me how long?""A very long time," He said and stalked towards her again. "My wife is very boring in bed. She's either always tired from work or from taking care of the kids or not just in the mood."Serafina cleared her throat, not wanting to hear hi
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Seducing The Seductress
Tonight was another night. Serafina was fully loaded. After a smooth operation last night, she had hopes that tonight was going to be the same. Three years. That was when she had to work for Drake to get a work permit. This was a year already, and she had two years left. She couldn't wait for it to be over so she could work legally. This job was starting to drain me physically and mentally.She hated that her parents had left her to figure her life out after they had led a dangerous life. One she had no idea about! She was a fugitive right now. She was running from her enemies into another country that didn't want her."You look unusual tonight," The bartender said as he came to stand before her. "Sexy but off. Something wrong?"She grabbed the drink he pushed before her and sipped before lighting her cigarette. "Just thinking about life, you know? It's a harsh world out here."The bartender nodded. "Is. But you're at the club, and that's where we all come to forget about the woes of
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Beguiling The Seductress
"Come here," Giovanni growled and pulled her against him as soon as the elevator doors closed. She fell flush against his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck and crashing her lips into his as they kissed. Her moans of ecstasy filled the elevator as he caressed her bare body.Giovanni took control. He grabbed her by the waist and pushed her against the chrome elevator walls, lifting her right leg and placing it on his torso as his hand travelled up her thigh. "Oh, Giovanni!" She cried out when his fingers brushed her clitoris again. She was dripping wet. "Fuck," He muttered against her neck. "You're wet. It's so wet for me. I want to fuck you."Her eyes flew open, and she nodded. "Please."The elevator doors dinged, and they rushed out, not minding if anyone was standing before them. The door to his suit was three doors down. He lifted her off the floor, pressing his palm into her soft buttocks as they kissed. He pushed her against his door and took out his key card as he awkw
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Entrapping The Seductress
The next morning, Serafina woke up as early as five o'clock to the sound of the city morning. Last night might have been a total failure, but that didn't mean she couldn't try this morning. This was her first time experiencing this, but she was sure she could pull it off. Giovanni was fast asleep beside her, and his arm was wrapped around her waist. She stared at him for a while, memorizing his beautiful face and how peaceful he looked in his sleep, feeling bad that this would be her last time seeing this man.Well, that was the price she had to pay for being a thief. But she promised not to forget his face or how he'd made her feel last night.She gently pushed his arm off her, careful not to wake him, as she slipped out of his bed. Her dress and shoes were sprawled at the other end of the bed, and as she picked it, her eyes caught a pure silver wristwatch on the bed stand. She looked at him before sneaking towards it and slipping it into her purse.That wasn't all. She wanted more.
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The Beginning of A Dangerous Adventure
The first day he met her, she looked really bothered. He'd been watching her before they both fell in line and when she turned to look at him with her dreamy eyes, he was immediately smitten. But there was something lurking in her eyes: Fear, apprehension, angst and the need to escape. He knew it was coming from an external force and when he looked around, he noticed that she was being followed by a man. That had been his opportunity to help her escape her killer. When he'd asked her if she was okay, she'd nearly burst into tears and the sheer thought of seeing this angelic woman cry drove him to madness. He had suddenly been overcome with this desire to protect her, the desire to kill anyone trying to harm her and while she slept on his shoulder, he was filled with dread at the fact that he had fallen for a total stranger. It wasn't his thing to do and luckily, he had gotten a call that had him leaving at the next stop, not failing to drink in the details of her beautiful face bef
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A Contract For Disaster
Serafina's eyes fluttered open and she sat up immediately to realise that she was no longer in the SUV she'd been thrown into. A splitting headache banged away at her head, causing her to wince painfully and when she finally got a hold of herself, she realised she'd been leaning against a car. Memories of the past hour came rushing back and she glared at the men standing before her with so much hatred. "Did I really have to be drugged for me to get here?" The men gave her no reply. She was pulled by the arms and led into large, wrought iron gates like a criminal being led away to prison. But this prison was paradise. Was it possible for a penthouse mansion to have such a spacious compound because she'd never seen one before? At the far end of the large expanse of land sat a tall mansion, a huge percentage of it made up of glass. The concrete walls were either looking like they were made out of stone by expert masons or painted in white. A fountain was situated in the middle of t
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T For Trouble
Giovanni shut the door to his study, breathing as a smile creeped into his face. His plans were going smoother than usual and at this point, it had him worried. He wasn't supposed to be doing this. Hell, he didn't want her working for him as a faux seductress. The idea of her seducing another man infuriated him. He knew how many times he'd wanted to stop her from signing the damn contract and telling her the truth. But not yet. He wasn't ready to tell her why he was doing this. "I see why you couldn't just leave her be," Geraldo said as he shut the door behind him. He must have seen her in the living room. "I see why Drake made her special. She's so beautiful, fuck." "Stay the hell away from her." Giovanni growled, feeling a need to get every man out of her way. Geraldo laughed and raised both of his hands in surrender. "You must have forgotten that I am married to a lovely wife with kids who I cherish so much. She's turning you into something else, Giovanni. When was the last t
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An Escape Plan and A Need to Revenge
"Thank you," Serafina smiled softly at Geraldo. They had finally gotten to the estate she was going to be living in after a long ride and he offered to take the chip off her skin. "I wonder why I didn't explode into bits because I have moved more than five hundred metres away from his suite." Geraldo laughed and she wondered what was funny about her statement. But she didn't care. As long as this chip was out of her body, she could escape easily. She didn't trust Giovanni. She also needed answers from Drake. She needed to know if a wager had been placed on her head. All she needed was one night to escape and find out. Geraldo continued his drive into the estate, only stopping when two hefty men in suits and dark shades stopped before him. "When does it begin?" "Today," Giovanni replied. "He wants it to be acted on with immediate effect." They nodded and stepped back and Giovanni continued his ride. "Who are those men?" Serafina asked as she watched them climb into their car.
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