Becoming A Mafia Boss

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Becoming A Mafia Boss


Language: English

Chapters: 178 views: 1.7K

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Benson Woods is being coerced to mortgage his house to a dangerous mafia group and a bank, the only inheritance his parents left for him to save his dying girlfriend, Rosemary Bernard. He was successful but had to quit his job. An old man named Quentin saves him from the clutches of his debts. Quentin Houston happened to be the leader of another mafia group and a new secret is discovered as Benson is indebted to this new mafia boss and finds out that a man named Joseph Jenson was helped by his real parents before they died and he gives him everything all his riches making him the new mafia boss before he dies. Does Benson gets to take his revenge as the new mafia boss leader?

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  • Ibiso Bobmanuel


    Following... interesting so far

    2023-07-23 04:19:50
  • Wendy


    interesting ...... highly recommended ...

    2023-03-19 05:57:24
  • Pearl


    It's a good Read. well done Author

    2023-03-17 06:38:10
  • Rytíř


    Good pace, easy to follow. Keep it up with the flow...

    2023-03-15 23:33:29
Latest Chapter
178 chapters
BOOK ONE: Chapter One
New York City, United States Westlife Street 4:PM Benson Woods, a young man in his late twenties felt dazed and iterant with his immediate acts. He panted rushing up and down in his apartment not sure of what to do next. His girlfriend, Rosemary Bernard had just fainted in their apartment and he wasn't sure why which made him bewildered. "Rosemary! Rosemary!" He shouted her name scared at the fact that it could be critical with the way she had fainted. He knew that Rosemary hit her head on the ground and he knew that it could have been more brutal. He knew that if not for the rug that was laid on the floor of their sitting room, it would have been a fatal fall that would have coated her her life. "Oh my goodness!" Benson fluttered his eye lashes in a state of despair and devastation. At this point, he knew that there was only one single drastic option left out to do. He knew that the nearest hospital was a little bit far from home. He also knew that before he would have got
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Chapter Two
It has been a few hours now since Benson was beaten severely by the mafia gang and he lay on the sofa. Benson was still in severe pain as he lay on the sofa in his sitting room. Rosemary was all with him and didn't show any feelings of concern. Rosemary was busy chatting with her intimate friend Hannah Johnson. "Hello," Rosemary sent a message on WhatsApp to Hannah who just came online. "Hey, you fish!" Hannah replied jokingly. "Hey you Cow," Rosemary typed also jokingly. "Lols, how was your day?" Hannah typed and Rosemary received her message instantly. "So bad, you won't even believe what happened today," Rosemary typed and put a pissed-up emoji in her chat. "Ooh, tell me what happened? Hannah replied and added a concerned emoji to her message. "You remember when I gained right? And when I was admitted into Great View hospital?" Rosemary typed. Rosemary knew that since Hannah was her intimate friend she knew about
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Chapter Three
It has been a few hours now since Benson was beaten severely by the mafia gang and he lay on the sofa. Benson was still in severe pain as he lay on the sofa in his sitting room. Rosemary was all with him and didn't show any feelings of concern. Rosemary was busy chatting with her intimate friend Hannah Johnson. "Hello," Rosemary sent a message on WhatsApp to Hannah who just came online. "Hey, you fish!" Hannah replied jokingly. "Hey you Cow," Rosemary typed also jokingly. "Lols, how was your day?" Hannah typed and Rosemary received her message instantly. "So bad, you won't even believe what happened today," Rosemary typed and put a pissed-up emoji in her chat. "Ooh, tell me what happened? Hannah replied and added a concerned emoji to her message. "You remember when I gained right? And when I was admitted into Great View hospital?" Rosemary typed. Rosemary knew that since Hannah was her intimate friend she knew about
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Chapter Four
"Gosh!" Benson muttered to himself as he had to sit down back on the sofa after Rosemary had left him. Benson knew he had no other choice but to let Rosemary be. Benson also knew that he needed to sleep early to prepare for the interview with a new textile Company. Benson remembered when he had gone to look for a job at the new company he went to. Two Day Ago Benson entered the large company and was led to the owner's office. "I heard about your current qualifications and how you had to quit your past job," the boss said. The boss was an averaged sized averaged aged man and was someone who liked smiling. "Yes sir," Benson confirmed. "I am Lincoln Michaelson," The boss announced. "Nice to meet you, sir," Benson said. Benson was already having high hopes that everything would turn out okay. Benson knew that since he was only experienced in textile knowledge he won't be doing any other jobs. His expertise
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Chapter Five
"What!" Benson was stunned and was boiling up in anger. He couldn't believe Rosemary. "I borrowed one million dollars to save you!" Benson yelled at Rosemary. He was already annoyed and wasn't happy with the situation as he faced them both. "I know, but did I ask you to do so?" Rosemary said. Benson wasn't sure that Rosemary said what she said but all he wished was that he could wake up from this nightmare. He wasn't happy at all and felt very sad with the words that came out of Rosemary's mouth. "I didn't ask you to pay the sum of one million dollars," Rosemary said indifferently. Rosemary didn't care how Benson would feel when she said those words. Rosemary knew that she was just being selfish and thinking about moving on with her life. Benson's felt heartbroken upon hearing such words from Rosemary. "How could you after everything that had happened," Benson said almost crying. "I told you before, I never asked you to pay the
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Chapter Six
The SUV drove off along Riverside road and Benson who was bundled in the passenger seat remained scared. Benson started to suspect that the road seemed familiar as the SUV was driven further. When the SUV finally got to the destination, Benson recognized that it was familiar. "Oh my goodness," he blurted out upon knowing that it was the same headquarters of the mafia gang. Benson knew that it was the same mafia gang which he had borrowed a loan from. "Oh no!" Benson blurted out. Benson wondered what he was going to do now and what he was done for. Benson remembered that he had mortgaged his house to bother the bank and the mafia group. "Come out you fool!" One of the men in black said as they bundled him out of the car. "Please don't!" Benson's pleaded. "I said come out! Or do you want me to beat the hell out of you?" The man said. They had finally gotten to the destination and it was in front of the same big building he w
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Chapter Seven
The men of the first mafia gang under Mr Black were stunned and didn't know what to do. They looked around and were confused. "How did they get to know in the first place?" One of the men whispered to another. "I don't know," The other man replied. "I thought it was a secret base," The man said. The murmurings began to increase as the men continued to whisper to one another. The men with Quentin just stood there with him motionless and quiet. They were waiting patiently for them to do their bidding. "Boss, how did they know this place? This is a secret base boss," One of the men said facing John. John was confused and removed a tobacco cigarette and smoked it. John knew that anytime he felt he wasn't himself the tobacco always helped him. The smoke of the tobacco had already increased and the men were already getting suffocated by the smoke. "Hmmm," John said as he smoked the tobacco again and the smoke he exhale
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Chapter Eight
Benson was stunned by the words "young master,". He kept looking confused as Quentin untied him. Quentin took his time to untie Benson and Benson was still stunned because he didn't know what was going on. Benson checked to see the men that were beaten up on the floor and saw that John was still on his knees. He witnessed how Quentin's men fought off John's men that were after him. He had never seen moves like that before and knew that the men were well-trained. As if Quentin understood what Benson thought in his mind, he grinned and continued to untie Benson. His men had to help to untie from the other side because of the weight of the rope used. Anytime each rope was loosened from an area of his body, Benson felt relieved. Although he was confused as to who the men were, he was relieved that they were there to save him. Benson remembered the conversation they had and how Quentin told John that his debts were all cleared. "What the hell is goin
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Chapter Nine
Benson was confused and didn't understand what was going on. He had gone out immediately after the doctors told him to do so. He remembered how the equipment alerted and he knew that it was a critical situation. Benson looked around for Quentin and his men but discover that they weren't around. It was obvious that they must have gone for another mission or so. "Hello, you must be Benson Woods," A middle-aged woman said as she came up to Benson. Benson could see that she was tall and married because he saw the ring on her finger. "Yes I am," Benson said nodding his head. Benson was wondering who she was. "My name is Lila Hargreaves," Lila said "I am Master Joseph Jenson's housekeeper," Lila added. "How about Master Joseph Jenson, how is he doing?" Lila inquired curiously. Benson knew that she was filled with concern for her boss. "We were having a conversation, and he became unconscious and the equipment sounded," Benson said.
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Chapter Ten
Benson was very angry. "In my company, I am being mocked," he muttered to himself. "How dare they speak in such a manner to me? If only they knew who I am," Benson thought to himself. Benson was very annoyed that Samuel who was a senior manager abused his power. Benson knew that no manager had any right to do so and was very annoyed. "How would he do such a thing, bringing someone inexperienced and not properly educated?" He thought. Benson how he had managed her in the past even though he got to know that she wasn't fully uneducated. Two Months Ago Benson had just gotten home from his working place. He knew that he had new designs to work on. Benson also knew that his boss was pleased with the ones he submitted. "Hi, honey, any news about the job," Benson said upon seeing Rosemary when he entered his sitting room "You won't believe it," Rosemary said. "What happened?" Benson inquired curiously. "I almost got the job,
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